query($query); if (!$result) { echo "$query
"; die('ERROR - Bad Select Statement (day) -' . $con->error); } $CumulusDate = $result->fetch_array(); $rollovertime = "0am"; // $rollovertime = "9am"; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $statisticsLabel=[ // summary row labels "- Lowest - ↓", // element 0 "- Highest - ↑", // element 1 "- Total - Σ", // element 2 "- Greatest - ↑", // element 3 "- Strongest - ↑", // element 4 "- Least - ↓" // element 5 ]; // Configure some variables specific to my data - change these for your own implementation $earliestCumulusYear=2012; $earliestCumulusDay=10; $earliestCumulusMonthName="March"; $earliestCumulusMonthNum=03; $rollover = 1 * ("0".substr ($rollovertime, 0, 1)); ################################### #### Analyse Query-String #### ################################### $columnNameLeft = null; $columnNameRight = null; $dayfileColumnsAndCaptions = array( // column name // caption ['HighWindGust', 'Racha Máxima'], // 'Strongest Wind Gust of day' ['HWindGBear', 'Dirección de la Racha Máxima'], // 'Bearing of Strongest Wind Gust' ['THWindG', 'Hora de la Racha Máxima'], // 'Time-stamp for StrongestWindGust' ['MinTemp', 'Temperatura Mínima'], // 'Lowest temperature recorded for day' ['TMinTemp', 'Hora de la Temperatura Mínima'], // 'Time-stamp for lowest temperature' ['MaxTemp', 'Temperatura Máxima'], // 'Highest temperature recorded for day' ['TMaxTemp', 'Hora de la Temperatura Máxima'], // 'Time-stamp for highest temperature' ['MinPress', 'Presión Mínima'], // 'Lowest pressure recorded for day' ['TMinPress', 'Hora de la Presión Mínima'], // 'Time-stamp for lowest pressure' ['MaxPress', 'Highest pressure recorded for day'], ['TMaxPress', 'Time-stamp for highest pressure'], ['MaxRainRate', 'Highest rain rate for day'], ['TMaxRR', 'Time-stamp for highest rain rate'], ['TotRainFall', 'Total rainfall recorded against day'], ['AvgTemp', 'Average of all temperature measurements in day'], ['TotWindRun', 'Total wind run recorded against day'], ['HighAvgWSpeed', 'Highest Average Wind Speed of day'], ['THAvgWSpeed', 'Time-stamp for highest average wind speed'], ['LowHum', 'Lowest relative humidity recorded for day'], ['TLowHum', 'Time-stamp for lowest relative humidity'], ['HighHum', 'Highest relative humidity recorded for day'], ['THighHum', 'Time-stamp for highest relative humidity'], ['TotalEvap', 'Total evapotranspiration recorded against day'], ['HoursSun', 'Total sunshine hours recorded against day'], ['HighHeatInd', 'Highest heat index calculated for day'], ['THighHeatInd', 'Time-stamp for highest heat index'], ['HighAppTemp', 'Highest apparent temperature recorded for day'], ['THighAppTemp', 'Time-stamp for highest apparent temperature'], ['LowAppTemp', 'Lowest apparent temperature recorded for day'], ['TLowAppTemp', 'Time-stamp for lowest apparent temperature'], ['HighHourRain', 'Highest rain fall total over an hour in day'], ['THighHourRain', 'Time-stamp for end of hour of highest hourly rain'], ['LowWindChill', 'Greatest wind chill calculated for day'], ['TLowWindChill', 'Time-stamp for greatest wind chill'], ['HighDewPoint', 'Highest dew-point for day'], ['THighDewPoint', 'Time-stamp for highest dew-point'], ['LowDewPoint', 'Lowest dew-point for day'], ['TLowDewPoint', 'Time-stamp for lowest dew-point'], ['DomWindDir', 'Bearing of Dominant wind in degrees'], ['HeatDegDays', 'Heating Degree Days figure'], ['CoolDegDays', 'Cooling Degree Days figure'], ['HighSolarRad', 'Highest solar radiation for day'], ['THighSolarRad', 'Time-stamp for highest solar radiation'], ['HighUV', 'Highest UltraViolet report for day'], ['THighUV', 'Time of highest UV'], ['HWindGBearSym', 'Bearing of Strongest Wind Gust as Compass Symbol'], ['DomWindDirSym', 'Bearing of Dominant wind direction as Compass Symbol'] ); if ( $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_METHOD' ] == 'GET' ) { // process the selections made on form // Examine query-string for action $action = array_key_exists('action', $_GET) ? $_GET['action'] : 'both'; // Examine query-string for criterion if(array_key_exists('left_field', $_GET)) { $columnNameLeft = $_GET['left_field']; // changes column to that selected when form submitted for($i=0; $i < count($dayfileColumnsAndCaptions); $i++) { if($dayfileColumnsAndCaptions[$i][0] == $columnNameLeft) { $caption = $dayfileColumnsAndCaptions[$i][1]; break; } } } if($action != 'single' and array_key_exists('right_field', $_GET)) { $columnNameRight = $_GET['right_field']; // changes column to that selected when form submitted for($i=0; $i < count($dayfileColumnsAndCaptions); $i++) { if($dayfileColumnsAndCaptions[$i][0] == $columnNameRight) { break; } } if(substr($columnNameRight, 0, 1) == 'T' and substr($columnNameRight, 1, 2) != 'ot' and $columnNameRight != 'T' . $columnNameLeft) { $action = 'single'; $columnNameRight = null; $caption .= ' (Selection of RH column rejected as nonsensical)'; }else $caption .= ' and ' . $dayfileColumnsAndCaptions[$i][1]; } # ---------------------------- $displayYearStart = null; $displayYearEnd = null; $displayMonthEnd = 11; if(array_key_exists('end-year', $_GET)) // Examine query-string for end-year { $displayYearEnd = $_GET['end-year']; if(array_key_exists('end-month', $_GET)) // Examine query-string for end-month { $displayMonthEnd = $_GET['end-month']; $displayMonthStart = ($displayMonthEnd + 13)%12; if($displayMonthStart <= $displayMonthEnd) $displayYearStart = $displayYearEnd; else $displayYearStart = $displayYearEnd - 1; if($displayYearEnd == $earliestCumulusYear) { $displayYearStart = $earliestCumulusYear; $displayMonthStart = '0' . $earliestCumulusMonthNum; } } } } global $data; // Validate query string -->> require minimum of one column name, an end month and an end year (together those allow start year to be determined) // if minimum validation passes, run one query to obtain all data required for output table if(!is_null($columnNameLeft) and !is_null($displayYearStart)) $data = readDayData($displayMonthStart, $displayYearStart, $displayMonthEnd, $displayYearEnd); # print_array($data,'Data Array'); // Uncomment this for diagnostic displaying of query results // ----------------------------------------------------------------- ?>

Daily Weather Summary Observations selected by criterion and 12-month period

Visit Tread Cumulus Forum (autor: sfws)

Tabulated Daily Weather Observations

Select One Daily Summary Column:

Choose Criterion to show in left hand column

Choose action

// class .selected has a particular colouring standardised for my site >

// class .navy represents that colour across my site >


Select One Daily Summary Column:

Choose Criterion to show in right hand column

'. $array_name . '( )    is Empty'; else{ echo '
'. $array_name . '(     '; foreach ($array_input as $key_input => $value_input) { if (is_array($value_input)) { echo ' [' . $key_input . '] → '; print_array($value_input,'Sub-array'); } else { echo " [$key_input]".' => '; echo ' ' . $array_input[$key_input] . ',        '; } } echo ');    '; } echo '
'; } ?>
Select End Period

Show 12 month Period Ending with month/year selected here   (Latest day on database is )

Processed ' . $queryRead. ' in ' . $totalSQLtime. '

'; ?>
 "; $tableCellPrefix="'; break; case 32: echo ''; break; // statistical row label appear in final rows case 35: if($wantTotalRow) echo '';break;// total case 34: echo '';break; case 33: echo ''; break; // spacer inserts dummy row case 6: // fall through case 11: // fall through case 16: // fall through case 21: // fall through case 26: echo ''.$tableCellPrefix."'>"; for($m=1;$m<=12;$m++) { // 'm' used because columns represent months echo $tableCellPrefix . "' ". $headAttrib . ">"; switch($m) { // actions by column of dummy row case 3: // fall through case 6: // fall through case 9: echo $col_gap; // fall through (no 'break;' required) } // end switch for column } // end m loop echo ''; echo "\r\n"; // add windows line terminator so browser source view looks better // row label for table cell rows default: echo ''; echo "\r\n"; echo ''; echo "\r\n"; // add windows line terminator so browser source view looks better }// end switch for row // For those rows not completed above, complete them with column specific content now for($colNum=1;$colNum<=12;$colNum++) {// columns // build table cells switch($ds) { // actions by row case 0: // build table cells echo ''; echo "\r\n"; // add windows line terminator so browser source view looks better // work out, for this column (month) specifically, how many rows relate to days in this month $endDate = $tYear[$colNum]."-"; $endDate .= $tMonth[$colNum]; // month and year needed to identify leap years $daysInMonth = date ('t',strtotime($endDate)); // does month have 28, 29, 30 or 31 days? break; case 32: // column label insert for this month // Create second column element id for column labels echo "". $monthArray[$tMonth[$colNum]] . ''; break; case 33: // statistical highest line // create first of two statistical cells by day echo $tableCellPrefix . "' id='" . $ds . '-' . $colNum . "'>"; if($columnValid[$colNum]['LH']) echo $highValue[$colNum-1]; if($action == 'range' || $action = 'mean' and $columnValid[$colNum]['LH']) echo '; ' . $highValue1[$colNum-1]; echo ""; // Create column element id for column labels, relic of when JavaScript highlighting row and column for moused over cell was available echo $tableCellPrefix."' tabindex='".(($colNum+$displayMonthEnd)%12) ."' id='".$ds.'-'.$colNum."-2'>"; // create second of two statistical cells by day // different handling for a) time-stamp, b) unused second cell, and c) second cell contains a value if ($columnValid[$colNum]['LH'] AND $columnNameRight == 'T' . $columnNameLeft) { // time-stamp echo $highTimeUpdate[$colNum-1]; echo ' on '; // class .black is in my css for that colour if (substr( $highTimeUpdate[$colNum-1], 0, 2) < $rollover): $highDayUpdate[$colNum-1] ++; if ($highDayUpdate[$colNum-1] > $daysInMonth) { echo "1 " . $monthArray[$tMonth[($colNum + 1) % 12]]; }else{ echo $highDayUpdate[$colNum-1]; } echo ''; else: if ($highDayUpdate[$colNum-1] == 1) { echo $highDayUpdate[$colNum-1] . " " . $monthArray[$tMonth[$colNum]]; }else{ echo $highDayUpdate[$colNum-1]; } echo ''; endif; }elseif($highValue2[$colNum-1] > -9990) { echo $highValue2[$colNum-1]; if($action == 'range' or $action = 'mean') echo ' on ' . $highDayUpdate[$colNum-1] . ''; // class .black is in my css for that colour } echo ""; echo "\r\n";// use windows line break for end of create two statistical cells by day break; case 34: // statistical lowest line // create first of two statistical cells by day echo $tableCellPrefix."' id='".$ds.'-'.$colNum."'>"; if($columnValid[$colNum]['LH']) echo $lowValue[$colNum-1]; if($action == 'range' || $action = 'mean' and $columnValid[$colNum]['LH']) echo '; ' . $lowValue1[$colNum-1]; echo ""; // Create column element id for column labels, relic of when JavaScript highlighting row and column for moused over cell was available echo $tableCellPrefix."' tabindex='".(($colNum+$displayMonthEnd)%12) ."' id='".$ds.'-'.$colNum."-2'>"; // create second of two statistical cells by day // different handling for a) time-stamp, b) unused second cell, and c) second cell contains a value if ($columnValid[$colNum]['LH'] AND $columnNameRight == 'T' . $columnNameLeft) { // time-stamp echo $lowTimeUpdate[$colNum-1]; echo ' on '; if (substr( $lowTimeUpdate[$colNum-1], 0, 2) < $rollover): // $rollover was defined in initialisation $lowDayUpdate[$colNum-1] ++; if ($lowDayUpdate[$colNum-1] > $daysInMonth) { echo "1 " . $monthArray[$tMonth[($colNum + 1) % 12]]; }else{ echo $lowDayUpdate[$colNum-1]; } echo ''; else: if ($lowDayUpdate[$colNum-1] == 1) { echo $lowDayUpdate[$colNum-1] . " " . $monthArray[$tMonth[$colNum]]; }else{ echo $lowDayUpdate[$colNum-1]; } echo ''; endif; }elseif($lowValue2[$colNum-1] <9990) { echo $lowValue2[$colNum-1]; if($action == 'range' or $action = 'mean') echo ' on ' . $lowDayUpdate[$colNum-1] . ''; // class .black is in my css for that colour } echo ""; echo "\r\n";// use windows line break for end of create two statistical cells by day break; case 35: // total line // create one statistical cell by day echo $tableCellPrefix."' id='".$ds.'-'.$colNum."'>"; if ($columnValid[$colNum]['LH'] AND $totalValue[$colNum-1] > 0) echo $totalValue[$colNum-1]; echo ""; // second cell per day is left empty echo $tableCellPrefix."'>"; echo "\r\n";// use windows line break for end of create two statistical cells by day break; default: // This is for rows that represent first to last day of month // Create row/column element id for table cells, relic of when JavaScript highlighting row and column for moused over cell was available // index to array consists of day and month, year break may occur in middle of array $id = 'd' . $ds . '-m' . $tMonth[$colNum]; // rows for valid day of month // =================================== // Start of LEFT HAND OF data cell PAIR echo ""; // END of LEFT of two data cells by day // ===================================== // ===================================== // Start of RIGHT HAND OF data cell PAIR echo ""; // END of RIGHT of two data cells by day // ===================================== echo "\r\n";// use windows line break for end of create two value cells by day } // end switch for row /* switch($colNum) { // actions by column, switch is meant to be more efficient than if in php case 3: case 6: case 9: echo $col_gap;break; } // end switch for column // above code segment simplified to single line below 28 Apr 2017 */ if($colNum % 3 == 0) echo $col_gap; // overhead of calculating if compensated by only being one instruction to parse } // end loop through columns (months) // complete table row echo ""; echo "\r\n"; // add windows line terminator so browser source view looks better } // end loop through rows (days and statistics) for current column echo '

Showing separate values for each Criterion in LH cells, and Range (Left Criterion➖Right Criterion) in RH cells // use utf-8 arithmetic symbols Showing separate values for each Criterion in LH cells, and Average (Left Criterion➕Right Criterion)➗2 in RH cells '; ?>
Script v.'. $latest_version . '
'; if ($displayYearStart != $displayYearEnd) { echo $displayYearStart; echo $periodMessage[1]; } echo $displayYearEnd; echo '
'; // wind chill is greater with combination of lower temperatures and higher wind speeds, so use 'greater' rather than 'higher' or 'lower' echo $columnNameLeft == 'GreatWindChill' ? $statisticsLabel[3] : $statisticsLabel[0];// greatest or lowest - using column name from my schema to determine suitable label echo '
'; // wind chill is least with combination of higher temperatures and lower wind speeds, so use 'least' rather than 'higher' or 'lower' if ($columnNameLeft == 'GreatWindChill') { echo $statisticsLabel[5];// least }elseif ($columnNameLeft == 'HighWindGust' or $columnNameLeft == 'HighAvgWSpeed') // strongest or highest - using column names from my schema to determine suitable label { echo $statisticsLabel[4];// strongest }else echo $statisticsLabel[1];// highest echo '
' . $ds . '"; $tMonth[$colNum] = 1 * ($colNum - 1 + $displayMonthStart) % 12 ; echo $monthArray[$tMonth[$colNum]]; $tYear[$colNum] = $tYear[$colNum - 1]; if ($tMonth[$colNum] < $tMonth[$colNum - 1])$tYear[$colNum]++; echo "
" . $tYear[$colNum]; echo '
"; if ($ds > ($daysInMonth + 1) OR !isset($data[$id][0]) OR is_null ($data[$id][0]) ) { // not a valid day set should be same as NULL but good practice to check both // create table cell but leave empty }else{ // Valid day, valid value to insert, create table cell with that value and set boolean to say at least one valid value in this month echo populateCells(true, $ds, $tMonth[$colNum], $colNum); $columnValid[$colNum]['LH'] = true; } echo ""; if ($ds > ($daysInMonth + 1) OR !isset($data[$id][1]) OR is_null($data[$id][1])) { // create table cell but leave empty }else{ // Valid day, valid value to insert, create table cell with that value and set boolean to say at least one valid value in this month echo populateCells(false, $ds, $tMonth[$colNum], $colNum); $columnValid[$colNum]['RH'] = true; } echo "
'; } ?> query($query); if (!$result) { echo "$query
"; die('ERROR - Bad Select Statement (day) -' . $con->error); } $CumulusDate = $result->fetch_array(); return $CumulusDate[0]; } //======================================================================================================== function populateCells($populateLH, $day, $month, $colNum) // $populateLH is true if value for LH cell to be returned, and false for RH cell; other parameters specify which row and column { global $action, $data, $columnValid, $columnNameLeft, $lowValue, $lowValue1, $lowValue2, $highValue, $highValue1, $highValue2, $totalValue, $lowDayUpdate, $lowTimeUpdate, $highDayUpdate, $highTimeUpdate; static $LHcellValid; // this variable retains its value between successive calls to function $id = 'd' . $day . '-m' . $month; // index to array consists of day and month, year break may occur in middle of array if($populateLH) { // LH cell $contents = is_null($data[$id][0]) ? '': $data[$id][0]; switch($action) { case 'single': case 'both': if(!is_null($data[$id][0]) and $data[$id][0] < $lowValue[$colNum - 1]) { $lowValue[$colNum - 1] = $data[$id][0]; $lowDayUpdate[$colNum - 1] = $day; } if(!is_null($data[$id][0]) and $data[$id][0] > $highValue[$colNum - 1]) { $highValue[$colNum - 1] = $data[$id][0]; $highDayUpdate[$colNum - 1] = $day; } if(!is_null($data[$id][0])) $totalValue[$colNum - 1] += $data[$id][0]; break; case 'mean': case 'range': if(!is_null($data[$id][0])) { $pair = explode(';', $data[$id][0]); if(!is_null($pair[0]) and $pair[0] < $lowValue[$colNum - 1]) { $lowValue[$colNum - 1] = $pair[0]; $lowDayUpdate[$colNum - 1] = $day; } if(!is_null($pair[1]) and $pair[1] < $lowValue1[$colNum - 1]) { $lowValue1[$colNum - 1] = $pair[1]; $lowDayUpdate[$colNum - 1] = $day; } if(!is_null($pair[0]) and $pair[0] > $highValue[$colNum - 1]) { $highValue[$colNum - 1] = $pair[0]; $highDayUpdate[$colNum - 1] = $day; } if(!is_null($pair[1]) and $pair[1] > $highValue1[$colNum - 1]) { $highValue1[$colNum - 1] = $pair[1]; $highDayUpdate[$colNum - 1] = $day; } } break; } return $contents; } // RH cell $contents = ($action != 'single' and is_null($data[$id][1])) ? '': $data[$id][1]; if(strpos($contents, ':')) { ################################# # Code for handling time-stamps # ################################# if($lowDayUpdate[$colNum - 1] == $day) $lowTimeUpdate[$colNum - 1] = $contents; if($highDayUpdate[$colNum - 1] == $day) $highTimeUpdate[$colNum - 1] = $contents; return $contents; }else{ switch($action) { case 'mean': case 'both': if(!is_null($data[$id][1]) and $data[$id][1] < $lowValue2[$colNum - 1]) { $lowValue2[$colNum - 1] = $data[$id][1]; } if(!is_null($data[$id][1]) and $data[$id][1] > $highValue2[$colNum - 1]) { $highValue2[$colNum - 1] = $data[$id][1]; } # if(!is_null($data[$id][1])) $totalValue2[$colNum - 1] += $data[$id][1]; return $contents; case 'range': ############################### # Code for handling ranges # ############################### if(!is_null($data[$id][1])) { // update difference value statistics $lowValue2[$colNum-1] = min($contents, $lowValue2[($colNum-1)]); $highValue2[$colNum-1] = max($contents, $highValue2[($colNum-1)]); } return $contents; } } } //======================================================================================================== # function readDayData($tableStartMonth, $tableStartYear, $tableEndMonth, $tableEndYear, $fld) function readDayData($displayMonthStart, $displayYearStart, $displayMonthEnd, $displayYearEnd) { global $con, $dayFileTableName, $startSQLtime, $totalSQLtime, $columnNameLeft, $columnNameRight, $action, $queryRead, $totalSQLtime; # ---------------------------- $daysInMonth = date ('t',strtotime($displayYearEnd . '-' . ($displayMonthEnd+1) . '-' . "01")); // Does month have 28, 29, 30 or 31 days? $queryRead = 'SELECT MONTH(LogDate) AS m0, DAYOFMONTH(LogDate) AS d0, '; switch($action) { case 'single': $queryRead .= $columnNameLeft . ' AS v0'; break; case 'both': $queryRead .= $columnNameLeft . ' AS v0, ' . $columnNameRight . ' AS v1'; break; case 'mean': $queryRead .= "CONCAT_WS('; ', $columnNameLeft, $columnNameRight) AS v0, ROUND(($columnNameLeft + $columnNameRight) / 2.0, 1) AS av1 "; break; case 'range': $queryRead .= "CONCAT_WS('; ', $columnNameLeft, $columnNameRight) AS v0, ($columnNameLeft - $columnNameRight) AS r1 "; break; } $queryRead .= ' FROM ' . $dayFileTableName . ' WHERE LogDate BETWEEN "' . $displayYearStart . '-' . ($displayMonthStart+1) . '-01" AND "' . $displayYearEnd . '-' . ($displayMonthEnd+1) . '-' . $daysInMonth . '"'; $result = $con->query($queryRead); if (!$result) { echo 'ERROR - Bad Select Statement ' . $con->error . '
'; echo $queryRead; echo "
"; exit(); } // import the rows and put the data into array while ($items = $result->fetch_array()) { $id = "d". (1 * $items['d0']) . '-m' . ($items['m0'] - 1); // dd-mm e.g. 23-00 for 23 Jan 2014 as Script month number is an index from zero (the start of all arrays), // (on db 01 is January), and table column number also starts with month 1 (as column zero is row label). $dataArray[$id][0] = $items['v0']; switch($action) { case 'single': break; case 'both': $dataArray[$id][1] = $items['v1']; break; case 'mean': $dataArray[$id][1] = $items['av1']; break; case 'range': $dataArray[$id][1] = $items['r1']; break; } } mysqli_free_result($result); # Free result set //End of SQL execution timer $mtime = microtime(); $mtime = explode(" ",$mtime); $mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0]; $endtime = $mtime; $totalSQLtime = ($endtime - $startSQLtime); return $dataArray; }?>