Current UV Index - Solar Radiation Wm/2San Sebastian
0.0 UV Index
No Caution Required No cautions required.The sun may be low on the horizon,obscured or below the horizon due to darkness hours.
Max UVI:
39 Solar Radiation Wm/2
Solar Radiation Poor When the sun is near the horizon,overcast,obscured or darkness hours this will prevent Solar Energy replenishment.
Max: 336 Wm/2
Guide 0-3 = Safe. 3-5 = Caution Required. 6-8 = Fair Skin types Protect yourself. 8-10 = Fair to Dark Skin Risk high sun burn risk. 10+ = High Risk All Skin types very dangerous.
Guide Solar Energy delivered by the sun is both intermittent and varies during the day also with the seasons.The value can be used has a good relative indicator
of solar replenishment for recharching solar panels and solar powered devices.